Susie Orbach Bio | Wiki
Susie Orbach is a British psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, writer, and social critic. Her first book, Fat is a Feminist Issue, analyzed the psychology of dieting and over-eating in women. Susie has campaigned against media pressure on girls to feel dissatisfied with their physical appearance.
She is honored with BBC’S 100 Women in 2013 and 2014. Moreover, Susie was the therapist to Diana, Princess of Wales during the 1990s. She is also a member of the steering group for the Campaign for Body Confidence, co-founded by Lynne Featherstone and Jo Swinson in March 2010.
Susie Orbach Age
Susie was born on November 6, 1946, in Chalk Farm, London, United Kingdom. She is 76 years old.
Susie Orbach Height
She is a woman of average stature and stands at a height of 5 ft 5 in (Approx. 1.65 m).

Susie Orbach Family
She was born in London, into a Jewish family, to her parents Maurice Orbach and Ruth Hubsch. Susie grew up in Chalk Farm, North London, alongside her brother Laurence. Her mother was an American teacher, and her father was a British Labour MP.
Susie Orbach Marriage | Jeanette Winterson
Susie was in a relationship with Joseph Schwartz and their relationship ended after more than 30 years. Together, they had two children. Later, Susie dated writer Jeanette Winterson and married in 2015. The two parted ways in 2019. According to Jeanette, Susie “calls herself post-heterosexual”.
Susie Orbach Education
She went to North London Collegiate School on a scholarship. Despite being expelled at the age of 15, Susie went on to study Russian History at the School of Slavonic Studies but left in her final year. She then moved to New York to study law but failed to complete her training.
Susie enrolled in the Women’s Studies course at Richmond College, City University of New York, graduating with a BA. in the subject in 1972. Subsequently, she received a Master’s degree in Social Welfare from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1974 and a Ph.D. in Psychoanalysis from University College London in 2001.
Susie Orbach On Eating | Eating
Susie’s books addressing food and the body are On Eating, Fat is a Feminist Issue II, Hunger Strike, and her latest book Bodies. Her first book, Fat is a Feminist Issue, brought the problems of women’s relationships with their bodies and their eating to public consciousness. In the book, Susie looked at the unconscious meanings of fat and thin and why people eat when they aren’t physically hungry. She also developed ways to overcome compulsive eating.
Susie Orbach Bodies
In her book Bodies, Susie proposed a new theory on how we acquire a bodily sense of self. The book includes case studies of amputees and children who have been fostered or adopted. She offers a critique of the beauty, style, diet, and pharmaceutical industries as well as current thinking on the ‘obesity’ crisis.
Susie Orbach Therapy
Susie’s book In Therapy was published in 2017. In the book, she explores what goes on in the process of therapy – what she thinks, feels, and believes about the people who seek her help – through five dramatized case studies. Originally broadcast as a Radio 4 series, here the improvised dialogue is replicated as a playscript.
Susie offers people the experience of reading along with a session while revealing what is going on behind each exchange between analyst and client. With Luise Eichenbaum, she co-founded The Women’s Therapy Centre in London in 1976 and in 1981 The Women’s Therapy Centre Institute in New York.
Susie Orbach Guardian | Radio 4
Susie had a column in The Guardian on emotions in public and private life. These have been compiled into two volumes: What’s Really Going on Here and Towards Emotional Literacy. In Therapy on BBC Radio 4 offers the opportunity to eavesdrop on the world of psychotherapy. Susie is a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines, as well as to radio and television programs.
Some of Susie’s colleagues at The Guardian include:
Marina Hyde – columnists
Julia Carrie – columnists
Lucy Mangan – columnist
Oliver Burkeman – columnist
Hadley Freeman – staff writer and columnist
John Harris – host and talker on Politics
Susie Orbach Hunger Strike
Hunger Strike: The Anorectic’s Struggle as a Metaphor for our Age was published in 2005. Susie extends the feminist analysis systemically, convincingly, and movingly to portray the anorexic struggle as a metaphor for our age.
Susie Orbach Books
(2013). Fifty shades of feminism
(2009). Bodies
(2002). On eating
(2005). The impossibility of sex.
(1999). Towards emotional literacy
(1994). What’s really going on here
(1987). Bittersweet: facing up to feelings of love, envy, and competition in women’s friendships
(1986). Hunger strike: the anorectic’s struggle as a metaphor for our age
(1983). What do women want: exploding the myth of dependency
(1983). Understanding women: a feminist psychoanalytic approach
(1982). Fat is a feminist issue II: a program to conquer compulsive eating
(1978). Fat is a feminist issue: the anti-diet guide to permanent weight loss.
(2016). In Therapy
(2018). In Therapy – The Unfolding Story
Susie Orbach Salary
She is a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines, as well as to radio and television programs. Therefore, she earns a decent income. Susie’s average salary is $83,564 per year.
Susie Orbach Net Worth
She earns her wealth from her career, therefore, she has amassed a fortune over the years. Susie’s estimated net worth is 42 million.
Who Is Susie Orbach
She is a 76-year-old British psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, writer, and social critic. Her first book, Fat is a Feminist Issue, analyzed the psychology of dieting and over-eating in women. Susie has campaigned against media pressure on girls to feel dissatisfied with their physical appearance.