Marc Fitt Workout Plan, Diet, Bio, Wiki, Age, Girlfriend, Abs, And Net Worth

Marc Fitt Bio | Wiki

Marc Fitt is a Canadian-born fitness model, personal trainer, sponsored athlete, entrepreneur, public speaker, and international social activist, He has become of the top fitness models in the world for inspiring millions of people with his videos, photos, quotes, articles, and all kinds of content that he shares on all social media platforms.

Currently, Marc is a fitness columnist for Global TV and serves as a co-host of his Podcast, Fitt Talk. He has been a brand ambassador for Beyond Yourself, Rise Gym Gear, and GymShark for some time.

Marc Fitt Age

He was born on September 10, 1990, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Marc is 32 years old.

Marc Fitt Height | Weight

He is a man of above-average stature. Marc stands at the height of 5 ft 10 in ( Approx 1.78 m). He weighs 175 lbs ( Approx 79.4 kg)

Marc Fitt's photo
Fitt’s photo

Marc Fitt Family

He was born and raised in Montreal. Growing up, Marc was never a real fan of exercise or keeping active. He started hitting the gym in his early teen to improve his confidence among his peers. Marc was hooked from the first session and that is when he realized he had a natural talent for training. He started pushing himself to achieve the best.

Marc went on to look for a career that would fit his personality after he realized he had more potential to go further. He joined the police academy at the age of 20 hoping to make a place within the SWAT team. Marc trained for endurance and strength to help him withstand the grueling training ahead and give his best to the academy.

He was already in good shape at 15% body fat when he joined the academy. Marc drew the attention of his peers who were curious to know how he managed to achieve so much so quickly. He would tell them that hard work and never missing workouts, was his philosophy for achieving his incredible strength and physique.

Marc Fitt Girfriend

On August 17, 2012, Marc released via Facebook that he was dating fellow fitness model Cath Bastien. ” Thanks to encourage my Girlfriend Cath B. Fitness Page. She works hard and she’s dedicated to Fitness, give a like and share.”  He posted on his page. On April 19, 2015, he shares a photo on Facebook thanking her for supporting him ” So blessed to have someone who supports everything I do. Behind every great man is a great woman. #FittCouple Cath B. Fitness Page Gymshark”. On June 15, 2022, Marc revealed via Instagram that he and Cath had parted ways after dating for 11 years.

Marc Fitt Abs

You need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding. Marc’s diet plan and his workout plan and daily routine inspire and motivate his fans.

His bs Workout is as follows
– 10-15 reps — Cables rope crunch
– 20-60 reps — Flat bench lying legs raise
– 20-60 reps — Normal sit-up
– 20-60 reps — Handing Bicycle Climbs

Marc Fitt Biceps

His Biceps Workout is as follows
– Barbell curls -4 sets & 10 reps
– Incline Bench Eazy curl bar-4 sets & 10 reps
– Seated One arm DB curls-4 sets & 10 reps
– Standing Hammer curls-4 sets & 10 reps
– Guillotine curls-4 sets & 15 reps
– 3 sets & 20 reps — Floor eazy curls bar with a wide grip, rope curl (Super-set) arnold curl

Marc Fitt Chest Workout

– Warm-up with Two hand Stair push-up-4 sets & 10-12 reps —
– Incline dumbbell press: 4 sets of 10 reps-4 sets & 10-12 reps
– Flat bench press & flat dumbbell fly-3 sets & 10-15 reps
– Decline dumbbell press & super-set with decline dumbbell fly-3 sets & 10-15 reps
– Incline bench press & super-set with incline dumbbell fly-3 sets & 10-15 reps
– Close grip machine press-3 sets & 20 reps
– Incline punch-3 sets & 20 reps
– Lower fly-3 sets & 20 reps
– Lateral fly-3 sets & 20 reps
-Pulley punch (up/middle/low)-3 sets & 20 reps

Marc Fitt Back Workout

– Chin-up to pull-up-3 sets & upto failure
– Individual barbell row, v-bar row-3 sets & 10 reps
– Seated pulley straight bar row-3 sets & 10 reps
– Seated individual pulley Row-3 sets & 10 reps
– V-bar pull-down-3 sets & 10 reps
– Pulley back fly-3 sets & 10 reps
– Front rope pullover-3 sets & 10 reps

Marc Fitt Leg Workout

– Legs extension-4 sets & 8 reps
– Barbell Squats-4 sets & 8 reps
– Leg Press-4 sets & 8 reps
– Legs Curls-4 sets & 8 reps
– Different Legs Press-4 sets & 8 reps
– Seated calf raises-4 sets & 8 reps
– Standing one legs calf raises-4 sets & upto failure

Marc Fitt Shoulder Workout

– S eated behind-the-neck press-3 sets & 15-10-8 reps
– Super-set with Arnold press-3 sets & 15-10-8 reps
– One arm pivot press-3 sets & 15-10-8 reps
– Super-set with dumbbell punches-3 sets & 15-18-20 reps
– Low cable reverse fly-3 sets & 20 reps
– Super-set with one arm cable fly-3 sets & 20 reps
– Straight bar raise up-3 sets & 15 reps

Marc Fitt Triceps Workout

– Triceps press-down-4 sets & 10 reps
– Reverse press-down-4 sets & 10 reps
– Triangle press-down & One arm extension-4 sets & 10 reps
– Close grip press-4 sets & 15 reps
– Rope extension-3 sets & 20 reps

Marc Fitt Youtube

He started his Youtube channel on July 4, 2011. As of 2022, he has 310K subscribers and 48,358,529 views on this channel. Mostly, Marc shared his workout videos, diet plan, and other types of videos. In addition, Marc runs a popular fitness YouTube channel under the name Elliott Hulse.

Marc Fitt Diet | Meal Plan

He pays close attention to his nutrition and follows the same philosophy he applies to his workout routine. Marc is able to change his diet quickly depending on his goals for that month. However, on the whole, he sticks to a low carbohydrate diet, and high protein foods, with approximately 2-3 hours between each meal daily. His standard meal would be an olive salad that contains chicken and a lot of vegetables. Marc says he’ll eat “3 whole wheat crepes with lots of fruit on it for a cheat meal. It is important for him to have his cheat meal in the morning (3 hours before his workout) That way, he can make sure he burns this cheat meal during the day.

– 1st Meal : 1 Banana, 60g Rolled Oats, 8 Egg Whites, 1 scoop of whey protein, 2 multivitamins, 2 omega-3 tablets, 1 vitamin b tablet, and 5g of glutamine

-2nd Meal : 1 apple, 10 almonds, 2 scoops of whey protein, and 1 chicken breast

– 3rd Meal:2 chicken breast, 1 cup green vegetables, 2 multi-vitamins, and 2 omega-3 tablets

– 4th Meal :1 scoop whey protein, 60g of oats, and 15g raw honey

– 5th Meal:1/2 scoop pre-workout and 15g of BCAA

– 6th Meal:2 scoops of whey protein, 60g dextrose (simple sugars), 5g creatine, 5g glutamine, and 5g BCAA

– 7th Meal:1.5 chicken breast, 1 cup of green vegetables, and 2 omega-3 tablets

– 8th Meal:4 egg whites, 30g casein protein, 5g of glutamine, and 3 caps of ZMA

Marc Fitt Workout Routine | Workout Plan

Marc’s Split
– Monday – Quads
– Tuesday – Chest
– Wednesday – Back
– Thursday – Hamstrings
– Friday – Shoulders
– Saturday – Biceps & Triceps
– Sunday – Rest

Marc’s Top 3 Exercises

– Incline Dumbbell Press
– Barbell Curls
– Dumbbell Arnold Press
– Cardio- This is a rare thing for Marc, instead of Cardio, he prefers doing high repetitions to give him the endurance training his body needs. Marc is praised for sprint interval training for cutting. He finds that it helps him burn calories much easier compared to standard steady-state cardio.

Marc Fitt Net Worth

He has accumulated an estimated net worth of $12 million.

How Old Is Marc Fitt

Marc is 32 years old. He was born on September 10, 1990, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

How Tall Is Marc Fitt

He is a man of above-average stature who stands at the height of 5 ft 10 in ( Approx 1.78 m).

Marc Fitt Instagram