Aviv Nevo Businessman, Quotes, House, Dead, Daughter, Wife, Salary, and Net Worth

Aviv Nevo Bio | Wiki

Aviv Nevo is a prominent Israeli-American venture capitalist. As of now, he is a major shareholder in Time Warner as well as other companies such as eBay, Microsoft, and News Corporation. Furthermore, Aviv has built his fortune up from an initial $10 million inheritance.

His circle of friends, and people he appeared with over the years, include Apple’s Tim Cook, Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, Lenny Kravitz, media mogul Rupert Murdoch, billionaire Ron Perelman, Citibank’s Dick Parsons, Morgan Stanley’s John Marck, and actress Blake Lively.

Aviv Nevo Age

He was born on March 15, 1965, in Bucharest, Romania. Aviv is 58 years old.

Aviv Nevo Height

He is a man of above-average stature. Aviv stands at a height of 6 ft 0 in ( Approx. 1.83m ).

Aviv Nevo Photo
Aviv’s Photo

Aviv Nevo Family

He was born in Bucharest, Romania to loving and supportive parents. Aviv’s father worked as a chemical engineer. On the other hand, his mother was an anesthesiologist. They then raised him in Israel. Eventually, his parents divorced. In addition, he is an only child. Aviv is Jewish.

Aviv Nevo Wife

He is currently single. Aviv was previously engaged to Zhang Ziyi. She is a well-known Chinese actress and model. He said that long-running rumors of an engagement to her were true back in July 2008. Unfortunately, the two separated in the year 2010. In addition, Aviv also briefly dated supermodel Kate Moss.

Aviv Nevo Daughter

Aviv has a daughter named Lilly from a previous relationship. His daughter was born in 2002 and is aged 21 years as of 2023. While dating actress Zhang Ziyi, Lilly would spend time with her step-mom-to-be. However, Aviv and Zhang called off their relationship.

Aviv Nevo Education

He attended a local high school and graduated with a diploma. Later, Aviv enrolled at a renowned university and graduated with his degree. However, the names of the schools he enrolled remain unknown.

Aviv Nevo Businessman

He is the owner of a venture capital firm called NV Investments. The firm is believed to invest in technology companies around the globe. Furthermore, Aviv has also been backing The Weinstein Company. Through his investments to cable companies with the initial $10 million that he inherited, he has managed to build up his fortune. Additionally, he has bought some big stakes in U.S. West and Charter Communications as well as Comcast.

Presently, some of Aviv’s earnings come from JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and recently, with Twitter. Moreover, he maintains close relationships with the CEO of Time Warner Jeff Bewkes and Rupert Murdoch. Aviv’s Twitter investment has also formed a bond with the Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey. He is also close to the super cool music artist called Lenny Kravitz. In addition, Aviv employs a public relation firm in order to maintain a private life.

Aviv Nevo Quotes

  • All I want is good, honest, loyal friends.
  • I have everything and I have nothing. Sometimes I feel like the loneliest man on the planet. All this stuff and no one to share it with. And then when women come along, I wonder if they like the stuff me.
  • I would like like to get married, actually, I have done everything else in my life now except that. However, how do I find that real thing? The non-phony? In Los Angeles? I am not sure.

Aviv Nevo House | Dead

He lives in a complex art-filled Malibu compound that sits on eight acres of prime beachfront hillside. It was built by developers back in the year 2004. Furthermore, Aviv is neighbors with Owen Wilson. Back in May 2009, he purchased the property for an amount stated to be $17.5 Million. In addition, Aviv is currently alive and in good health.

Aviv Nevo Salary

He spawns his monthly earnings from his role as a shareholder in Time Warner, eBay, Microsoft, and News Corporation. Aviv pockets a salary of $650,000 annually.

Aviv Nevo Net Worth

Having been working as a venture capitalist for many years now, he has managed to garner good affluence in his career thus far. Aviv’s net worth is $500 Million.

Who Is Aviv Nevo

He is a 58-year-old prominent Israeli-American venture capitalist. As of now, he is a major shareholder in Time Warner as well as other companies such as eBay, Microsoft, and News Corporation. Furthermore, Aviv has built his fortune up from an initial $10 million inheritance.

How Old Is Aviv Nevo

He is 58 years old. Aviv was born on March 15, 1965, in Bucharest, Romania. However, he has kept confidential his date of birth despite being in the limelight. As a result, we can hardly state when Aviv relishes and commemorates his birthday.

How Tall Is Aviv Nevo

He is a man of above-average stature who stands at a height of 6 feet 0 inches, approximately 1.83 meters.

Aviv’s Social Media

Twitter – @ViviNevo