Robert Faturechi is an energetic and talented On-Air personality currently working in New York as an investigative reporter at ProPublica since he joined the station’s news family in August 2014.
Eddie Fingers is a veteran On-Air personality currently working in Cincinnati, where he hosts the 3-6 talk show, which airs on 700 WLW-FM since he joined in January 2008
Tiffany Blackmon is an energetic, talented On-Air personality currently working in Atlanta as a sports reporter for the NFL Networks since she joined the station in 2015.
Charlie LeDuff (Full name: Charles Royal LeDuff) is a veteran an eminent American journalist, media personality, and writer presently hosting No BS News Hour with Charlie LeDuff.
Meredith Aldis is an amazingly talented journalist currently working in Chattanooga, where she serves as a reporter at WRCB-TV. She has been part of the news family since joining the station in June 2020.
Jeff Crum is a veteran On-Air personality currently working in Charlotte, where he serves as the Chief meteorologist at Spectrum News since officially joining in 1999.
Jenna Enoch is an energetic On-Air personality, currently working in North Carolina, where she serves as an Anchor at Spectrum News. She has been part of the station’s news family since November 2018.
Erin Little is a popular American journalist presently in Kansas City, where she serves as a morning meteorologist at KCTV5. She has been part of the station’s weather family since joining the station in 2018.